What is considered on converting?

Locale XML

There is a special field to overwrite the Datastructure of Templavoila Objects. We are aware of it and respect it in our converter. That's why you can be sure that you get what Templavoila is using in your Project.

Consideration of stored definitions in the filesystem 

By default the Templavoila Datastructures and Templateobjects are stored in a Database. But it is possible to outsource them into the filesystem. Our converter support both methods.

Converting of all Templavoila FCEs to Mask Contentelements

Our converter generates a Mask Contentelement for each Templavoila FCE. The structure containig all fields will be adopted.

Converting the content

After creating the structure, the content which is stored in the tt_content-flexform-field (by means of the TemplaVoila Datastructure) is converted to new tt_content-fields.

Converting all Templavoila Pagetemplates to Backend-Layouts

Like in FCEs, also the Page-Template-Structures will be converted. The converter generates a Backend-Layout for each Page-Template. The new fields will be created in pages and pages_language_overlay tables.

Extra Backend-Layout for multiple Templateobjects

If there are more than one Templateobjects related to a Datastructure, the converter generates a separate Backend-Layout respectively Contenttype for each one with the same fields. So you can use another design for them, as done before in Templavoila.

All Templavoila fields get a new database field

For each Flexform field from the datasctructure (except TypoScript and empty fields), the converter generates a new database field (tx_mask_fieldname). We don’t use existing fields like bodytext.

Languages are taken into account

The converter supports full language conversion. It doesn’t matter if you enable or disable either langDisable or langChildren. The converter will always respect the used settings. The whole content is converted to the new fields.

Generation of a mask.json

To use the extension Mask as good as possiple, the converter will generate a mask.json file, to edit every contentelement after converting. That's so you can add new fields or change some editor settings .

Contentcolumns to Content-relation

If you use Contentelements with columns, the converter uses the new Mask feature for content in content. This is very comfortable for editors to handle.
In the database this is a relation field with the uid of the parent-element, stored in the child-element.

Sections and Containers to IRRE

If your Templavoila-Templates consists of Sections and Container, the converter generates Inline (IRRE) fields with their own subtables. If there is more than one Container in a Section, all Containers will be merged into one IRRE Child-Element. A Selectbox with a Displaycondition provides the necessary differentiation.

Setting Backend-Layouts in pages table

Like in Templavoila also Backend-Layouts provide settings for the current page-template and the template for sub-pages. The converter set these templates to the pages-table.


Contentelements which are used on more pages as references, will be converted to the TYPO3s default Element “Insert records”.

Not referenced elements

Also not referenced Elements (visible on the Top of the Templavoilas Page-Module) will be converted. They will be set to hidden=1 and colPos=0

Files in ulpoads/tx_templavoila/ to FAL

The converter references all files from the uploads/tx_templavoila/ folder to a FAL relation instead of the old filenames.