Templavoila Converter
This is a converter from the content stored in Templavoilas flexform to database fields. It respects all content and pages-content.
You can use the converted data out of the box with our extension Mask in a modern TYPO3 version.
It is also possible to use the data for other extensions or other CMS directly from the database.
Take a look at some screenshots from converting TYPO3 6.2 with Templavoila to TYPO3 7.6 with Mask. Screenshots taken immediately after converting, without any further adjustments.
Have a look at our videos to see a full website converting:
- TYPO3 Upgrade (3:20)
- Preparation for converting (2:37)
- Converting the content (2:28)
- Adapt TypoScript and HTML (20:44)
- Tuning tipps (6:03)
How does it work?
- First get in contact with us and make an order
- Make a full backup of your files and database
- Upgrade TYPO3 to version 8 LTS. A development-host is recommendet. Tipp: Deinstall all your local extensions and upgrade TYPO3. Handle your extensionupgrades after converting. Don't delete any databasetables and -fields if you make a "Database compare".
- Stop editing your website
- Move (or copy) the folder /uploads/tx_templavoila/ to /fileadmin/tx_templavoila/
- Index the folder by open it in the TYPO3 backend module Filelist and browse (paginate) all files. Or use the scheduler task "File Abstraction Layer: Update storage index".
- Don’t change your system (no upgrades, no changes at all)
- Send us a sql dump of following database-tables (structure and data):
- backend_layout
- pages
- pages_language_overlay
- sys_file
- sys_language
- tt_content
- tx_templavoila_datastructure (or XML-files if stored in filesystem)
- tx_templavoila_tmplobj
- Wait for our response and follow the instructions at: informations after converting
We respect privacy and don't store your data after converting. We are not interested in analyzing your data. The converter is an offline software. So you can be sure, that no one can access it online. If required, we sign a NDA.
More information
Here you find more informations about what we guarantee, what is considered, what is not included, what will be delivered and informations after converting.